¦ noun
1. the day of the month or year as specified by a number.
2. a day or year when a given event occurred or will occur.
(dates) the years of a person's birth and death or of the beginning and end of a period or event.
the period of time to which something belongs.
3. a social or romantic appointment.
4. a musical or theatrical performance, especially as part of a tour.
¦ verb
1. establish or ascertain the date of.
mark with a date.
(date from or back to) have existed since.
2. [often as adjective dated] appear or cause to appear old-fashioned.
3. informal go on a date with.
to date until now.
dateless adjective
ME: via OFr. from med. L. data, feminine past participle of dare 'give'; from the L. formula used in dating letters, data (epistola) '(letter) given or delivered'.
¦ noun
1. a sweet, dark brown, oval fruit with a hard stone, usually eaten dried.
2. (also date palm) a tall palm tree which bears clusters of dates, native to western Asia and North Africa. [Phoenix dactylifera.]
ME: from OFr., via L. from Gk daktulos 'finger' (because of the finger-like shape of its leaves).